Church Membership?

A helpful video from Matt Chandler et al on church membership:

These are some key points I’ve been sharing with folks for years. That’s what I appreciate so much about Matt, he’s always focusing on what the Bible says and how we can think biblically.

1) Christians are called to submit to their leaders (Hebrews 13:17). Any leaders? No, their leaders. There’s the embedded assumption that you are part of a local congregation. You don’t get to decide this, otherwise you’re the leader. The leaders of any local church set the requirements for membership… there’s no way to obey them and reject membership at the same time.

2) There is an organization whereby someone can be removed (Matthew 18:15-20). This is clearly a local group of believers who are organized with leaders, processes, standards, and who have a governing body. Jesus even says when they agree, he casts his vote with them.

You don’t have to call it membership I suppose, but you must submit yourself to the accountability of a local community of believers who are organized in a hierarchical structure of leadership and authority overseen by ordained men. Besides, the word membership is a commonly understood English word and it’s also biblical (Romans 12:5; 1Corinthians 12:27), why would someone reject it? Is it pride or Christ-centeredness?

Some things to consider. Are you a church member? I’m not asking if you’re on a role somewhere, are you a member? You should be.

About John Harris

I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.
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