Category Archives: Positions
Feed My Sheep… My Word
When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” He said to him, “Feed my lambs.” … Continue reading
What Is Worship?
(originally posted by me in September of 2013 as a summary of a few sermons I preached at my former church.) One of my favorite passages on worship is the example of Isaiah’s encounter with the Lord: In the year … Continue reading
Laying Down The Law (Matthew 5)
How can you summarize Matthew 5?* Well, first of all, don’t seek to be “happy” and don’t fall into the trap of saying of your kids “I just want them to be happy.” Often times, that’s the worst thing for … Continue reading
On Abortion
Much of what Chandler says in this excerpt I’ve said very similar things many times over. I think he gets right to the heart of the issue. Can a woman forget her nursing child,or lack compassion for the child of … Continue reading
On Homosexuality (Why Is It Wrong?)
John Piper takes a stab at why Homosexuality is wrong.