Category Archives: Positions
What About The Trinity?
Here’s a 20 min. video on the Trinity… The Trinity (RFRF) from Shiloh Baptist on Vimeo. Who is God? What is He? The Trinity. One God… nature, essence, “what” Three Persons… beings, entities, “who” God the Father is not the … Continue reading
Jesus and the OT Law
Here is a video from 2012 explaining the relationship between the OT Law and what Jesus accomplished in the New Covenant. (Below is the bottom line and some recommended resources)
Critical Race Theory (Just Thinking Podcast)
I know y’all have questions, because you continue to ask. So, if you’re not tired of hearing about it yet and want to learn more… Here are Virgil Walker and Darrell B. Harrison talking on a 3 1/2 hour (!) … Continue reading
Critical Race Theory (CRT), Nazis, Christians, and You
Critical race theory has become pervasive in our culture in the last year or so. As Christians, we need to understand what it is, and that it is a destructive framework diametrically opposed to a biblical worldview. We hear a … Continue reading
The Issue That Won’t Die
The pressure in favor of affirming homosexuality in the church today is real. I want to try to help with this in my own way. I’ve seen some friends of mine be pulled away by some of these arguments which … Continue reading