Category Archives: Positions
A Time To Kill?
Gen 9:5-6 “And I will require a penalty for your lifeblood; I will require it from any animal and from any human; if someone murders a fellow human (lit. “from the hand of a man his brother”), I will … Continue reading
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday
How should Christians respond to abortion? Sanctity of Human Life Sunday
The Christian and Social Justice (BLM, CRT, Race)
How should Christians respond to BLM CRT and “Social Justice” in general? 1. Retain your cultural/ethnic identity 2. Actively engage your neighbor 3. Unapologetically speak the truth of the gospel
God And Gay Christians
What does the Bible say about Homosexuality for the Believer? God and Gay Christians
God and Gay Christians? The Bible and Homosexuality (May 2022)
In the last few weeks I’ve had about half a dozen people ask me for more information about how we, as Christians, should think about Homosexuality. Here’s a 45 min. video I made I pray you find helpful. see also: … Continue reading