Author Archives: John Harris
Come and See: The Blind See
Come and See: The Blind SeeJohn 9
Love That Lasts (Week 5) Not Just Communication but Mutual Understanding
“Blended Service” Love That LastsNot “Communication” but Mutual UnderstandingJames 1:19-21
Samuel (Part Two)
An Overview of The BibleSamuel: part two1Samuel 8-10 • First and Second Samuel is ONE book • Section 1: Chapters 1-7: Samuel is a PROPHET • Section 2: Chapters 8-31: Samuel plays a KEY role in Saul’s story
Calvinism, Predestination, Election or Free Will?
Here is the text of an email I sent in response to a question I had. A church member said they had family/friends who were talking about “election” and trying to explain it. They asked me what my view was … Continue reading
Come and See: Freedom in Christ
Come and See: Freedom in ChristJohn 8:30-59 1. We have freedom because we KNOW Jesus (vv.30-32) 2. We have freedom because of Jesus’ ORIGIN (vv.33-47) 3. We have freedom because of Jesus’ IDENTITY (vv.48-59)