Author Archives: John Harris
What Am I Living For? Philippians #10
9:15am “Modern Service” Scott Lake Baptist Church (Lakeland FL) What Am I Living For?“Press on…” look ahead, not backPhilippians 3:12-21
What Am I Living For? Philippians #9
9:15am “Modern Service” Scott Lake Baptist Church (Lakeland FL) What Am I Living For? #9“Why Be Faithful?”Philippians 3:1-11
Jesus and the OT Law
Here is a video from 2012 explaining the relationship between the OT Law and what Jesus accomplished in the New Covenant. (Below is the bottom line and some recommended resources)
Posted in Hebrew Roots, Positions, Videos
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Through The Bible: Isaiah (Part 2)
“Wednesday Service, 6:30PM” An Overview of The BibleThe Book of Isaiah (part 2)
Posted in Sermons, Through The Bible, Videos
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What Am I Living For? Philippians #8
9:15am “Modern Service” Scott Lake Baptist Church (Lakeland FL) Sunday AM 10/28/2024Series: What Am I Living For? #8Sermon: “Examples of Service”Philippians 2:19-30