Acts 7

Acts 7:53 You received the law under the direction of angels and yet have not kept it.

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Stephen Martyred

• Stephen’s Defense: Stephen, one of the first deacons, gives a long speech to the Sanhedrin defending himself against charges of blasphemy. He recounts the history of the Jewish people from Abraham to Solomon, emphasizing how God has always been with His people even when they were in foreign lands or during times of idolatry and disobedience.
• Accusation of Rejection: Stephen parallels the rejection of Moses by the Israelites with the Sanhedrin’s rejection of Jesus, suggesting that they are following in their ancestors’ footsteps by resisting the Holy Spirit and persecuting the prophets.
• Stephen’s Vision and Martyrdom: At the conclusion of his speech, Stephen sees a vision of Jesus standing at the right hand of God. This enrages the council, leading to his immediate condemnation. They stone Stephen, and he becomes the first Christian martyr, praying for forgiveness for his executioners as he dies.

The primary theme of Acts 7 is resistance to God’s message and messengers. Stephen’s speech illustrates how the Jewish leaders have historically resisted the prophets and now resist Jesus and His followers. It underscores the theme of divine revelation and human rejection, culminating in the martyrdom of Stephen, which highlights themes of faithfulness, forgiveness, and the cost of discipleship.


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About John Harris

I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.
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