Acts 3:6 “But Peter said, ‘I don’t have silver or gold, but what I do have, I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk!’”
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Peter and John
In this chapter, Peter and John are going to the temple at the hour of prayer. They encounter a man who has been lame from birth, begging at the temple gate called Beautiful. Peter, moved by faith, tells the man he doesn’t have money but offers healing in the name of Jesus. The man is miraculously healed, which causes a stir among the people at the temple. Peter then uses this opportunity to preach to the gathered crowd, explaining that the healing was done through faith in Jesus, whose name they had denied during His trial. Peter calls for repentance, linking the miracle to the power of Jesus and His resurrection.
The central theme of Acts 3 revolves around the power and authority of Jesus’ name. It highlights divine healing as a testament to Jesus’ continuing work through His disciples, the call to repentance, and the proclamation of Jesus as the Messiah. This chapter demonstrates the early Christian community’s reliance on spiritual power over material wealth, the spread of the Gospel through miraculous signs, and the transformation that faith in Jesus can bring.