“Wednesday Service” 6:30PM
An Overview of The Bible
The Book of Ezekiel (part one)
• Ezekiel is a PRIEST in training living in Jerusalem during the first Babylonian attack
• He sees the GLORY (ḵâḇôḏ) of the Lord (Ezek 8:4; 10:4; 43:4) see: John 1:18
Chapters 1-3 God speaks to Ezekiel from His THRONE and commissions him as a prophet
• Jerusalem would be LEVELED and the TEMPLE would be destroyed
Chapters 4-5 Ezekiel not only speaks but also performs many SIGNS
• He built a MODEL of Jerusalem and SHAVED his hair and beard
• He also played the role of a “scapegoat”
Chapters 6-7 God declares He will bring a sword against the HIGH PLACES where they practiced idolatry, some will escape but will be scattered among the nations. This destruction of the land is the DAY of the Lord.
• God always judges unfaithfulness, but there is also always hope if you turn back to Him