Why Follow Jesus?
The Triumphal Entry
John 12:12-23
A. Don’t follow Jesus for IMMEDIATE benefits
Palm Branches —> Lev 23:40; 1Macc. 13:51; 2Macc. 10:7
B. Follow Jesus because He is the MESSIAH
Hosanna = “Help!” (vv.12–13)
1. SCRIPTURE proves it. (vv.14–15)
Psalm 118:25-26; 110:1, 4; Zech 9:9
2. MIRACLES prove it. (vv.16–18)
John 20:31
3. TIMING proves it (v.23)
John 8:59-59; 10:37-38
C. Follow Jesus because He WINS
(v.19) Revelation 7:9-10
D. Lead OTHERS to follow Jesus