I realize that most people don’t have a wife.
What I mean by that, is only 50% of people are men, so 50% of people for sure don’t have wives. Add to that, the single population, and “most people don’t have a wife.”
However, a good number of us do, and those of us who have a wife should be grateful.
In my experience, men tend to “marry up” almost all the time and women never do. What I mean by this, is that when it comes to who a person really is (personality, character, potential, even looks) I find myself saying “how did he get her” far more often than “wow, she really out-punted her coverage.”
Think about all the people who don’t have a wife, but who want one. Think hard about this men, do not mess this up… no matter who she is, you’ve got a great thing going.
It’s like the current state of the economy, only about a million times more important. How many people are grateful for there current job as opposed to those who like to complain about their job or think they “desirve” more. Actually, you desirve what you get… it’s the literal definition of the word, perhaps you should look it up some time.
On the other hand, everyone misses their job, even one in which they felt “underemployed” (a nonsensical word), when they get fired.
In the same way, marriage is a gift. It’s a beautiful thing that desirves to be cultivated and cared for. Appreciate your wife and love her. Put her agenda ahead of your agenda. Set out to make her your biggest fan…
Here’s a great first step, pray for her, every day.
Some suggested prayers:
- Lord, may she know your will for her life, pleasing you in all respects and bearing fruit in every good work (Col 1:9-10)
- Lord, may her physical health sustain her in everything that meets her today (Isa 40:28-31)
- Lord, may she be released from worry or guilt over things that she is not responsible for (Matt 6:25-34; Luke 12:22-32)
- Lord, may she accomplish all the things that she needs to today (2 Thess 2:16-17; 3:1-4;, 13)
- Lord, may a godly mentor come into her life who can help her see the way (Tit 2:3-5)
- Lord, may she not gossip or keep company with those who do (Prov 20:19; 1 tim 3:1)
- Lord, may you give her discernment and wisdom to protect herself from those who would deceive her (1 Tim 2:14; James 1:5-8)